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  • Samantha Moore

Easy Solution To Get Employee Feedback

Person on their phone with a cup of coffee next to their laptop.

“You know, I think feedback is important but right now I’m a bit discouraged because employee engagement has been slowly declining in our past few surveys. Honestly, it takes me a long time to administer them and when less than half of the employees participate, I feel deflated.”

-- Discouraged HR Manager

Can you relate to this sentiment? Read on to learn why employees have satisfaction survey burnout and how VoiceSifter’s response capable platform can help.

Not only is it a lot of work for HR and leadership to create and deploy satisfaction surveys, but employees (and people in general) have also developed scar tissue from this process of answering questions on or ranking levels of satisfaction. From long questionnaires to wondering whatever happened to the feedback they submitted, employees today can be hesitant to participate in surveys, especially when they have received no response or follow up from previous responses.

Perhaps you, as a Manager, have responded and are even using a feedback system that allows for dialogue with employees. However, it’s likely that this platform requires employees to take the time to log in (and remember those specific credentials) in order to engage in a dialogue. At VoiceSifter we have found that, even with a system that allows for responses, conversations become extended when time is often of the essence. The outcome is still a general feeling of, “Does this even matter anymore? Should I still respond?”

The way messages are delivered does matter. That is why we use text message at VoiceSifter. It’s important to distinguish a difference here. We work with you to get clear on the type of feedback you are interested in receiving - we then create marketing materials to educate employees about your new text-line, informing them on the questions you are interested in and the designated number that they will text. Employees engage on their own accord and this line becomes a channel of communication for employees and brand. This means you do not invade their privacy but are able to immediately respond once they have engaged. When employees get familiar with the VoiceSifter style of system and see that someone does actually respond, then engagement will increase.

Here’s a recent example from one of our clients. An employee was feeling unsatisfied with how raises and compensation were awarded. This conversation -- and step toward a resolution -- happened within one business day before a meeting was scheduled.

Text Example of a VoiceSifter Conversation

As a brand, it is important to have a secure channel for employees to report issues and share concerns or general comments. It’s equally important that this channel is one where you can easily reference and retrieve data. With VoiceSifter’s online dashboard, every conversation is recorded and you are able to see how each of these conversations unfolded. Once resolved, you can close the case and provide any additional notes for future reference.

We built this tool with businesses in mind. We also considered the easiest form of communication for employees, and that is why text messaging is used. See how VoiceSifter helps brands stay connected to their employees and alleviate the symptoms of feedback burnout with our rapid response platform.

VoiceSifter is easy to implement: we can get you started in less than 48 hours. We design the materials you need to promote this service. Then all you need to do is be ready to respond and watch as employees share candid insights and issues that help you keep an accurate pulse on company dynamics.


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