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The Ultimate Open Door Policy : Anonymous Text-line

Shocking revelations have come out across numerous industries and companies of all sizes. If large companies had ethics hotlines, why didn't someone know? What is it about the current tools available that aren't making employees comfortable enough to say something?

We have built a modern ethics hotline designed to maximize participation and collect more data points to create actionable intelligence so you can respond in real-time.

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Always open door 24/7/365

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Text messaging is SOX compliant

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Security of data is job #1

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Customizable response to inquiries

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Response capability decreases management's frustration

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Get it ALL out with unlimited participation

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Conversation tracking and categorization

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Security of data is job #1

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Choose your own area code

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Employee anonymity increases participation

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Easy to Use

If you are going to launch a new software, it has to be easy to use. VoiceSifter is so easy that we can get you started in the same day. We use text-messaging, which is familiar to every demographic. Want your employees to text into a familiar area code? We can do that too! As for getting employees to participate, it's as easy as sending a text message. Users also have the ability to close cases, categorize the nature of the submission and take any notes you may want to refer to in the future - all on the same easy to use page.

Person on Phone


The ethics hotline is all about collecting enough data points to create actionable intelligence. In order to maximize participation, the ethics hotline has to be anonymous. According to industry research, a majority of employees still prefer being able to participate anonymously. The main reason is that the number one person an employee is likely to be reporting on is their manager and the fear of retaliation is justifiable given employee's post resolution surveys, whereby 70% of employees feel retaliated against.

People on Phones

Response Capability

The biggest problem with most anonymous platforms is that they don't allow for management to respond to employees. This leaves employees frustrated because they don't know what is happening with their submission. From our research, management finds the inability to respond equally irritating. When asked, management has stated that they would have liked to respond or ask a follow up question to an anonymous submission 100% of the time.

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